
A Walk Through Old Québec

On the way to Nova Scotia, we made a pit stop to check out Québec. We only had the evening so we wanted to make the most of our time in this charming city. Québec stands on top of a large hill that overlooks the mouth of the St Lawrence River, and is one of the most European looking cities in North America. We drove right into town, and the rive was a bit challenging, as the hills are very steep. Parking wasn’t too hard to find in the evening, as they have spots available on many city streets. Additionally it didn’t cost more than a few dollars to park, so that was a bonus.


Québec was settled by Samuel de Champlain in 1608, and much of the remnant’s of the town were parts of the fortress. The town of Québec is strategically placed right at the mouth of the St Lawrence, so it offered a perfect place for a fortress. There are archaeological dig sites near the citadel, which we walked through. The citadel was free to walk through, and was full of hills. It was quite the walk, and full of stairs so I would recommend some good shoes for walking. It was a beautiful evening, and we could smell the delicious food, which led us onwards through the rest of our trip.

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